The Importance of Detoxification

We are all inundated with information and headlines about our favorite products being toxic. This can be alarming, confusing, and at this point, just annoying. Today, it might feel like most things can cause cancer and it can be overwhelming to consider how to address and mitigate these exposures. First, let's get clear on what toxins are, the symptoms of toxicity, and how they affect us so we can clarify our WHY for eliminating them from our daily lives. 

What are Toxins?

Toxins are considered anything that negatively impacts the body. This can look like interference with the body’s cells doing their job or causing structural damage to the body's cells and/or systems. 

Common Individual Toxins: - there are thousands found in every human being

  • Heavy Metals - lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, etc.

    • Heavy metal poisoning is common (approximately 25% of people). This is caused by contaminated drinking water, fish, and seafood, cigarette smoke, car exhaust, etc.

    • High levels have also been found in herbs & spices consult the following site for safe sourcing: Spices Free From Concerning Heavy Metals Lead, Arsenic & Cadmium (

    • Stored primarily in fat cells (commonly found in the brain, nerves, liver, and kidneys)

  • Microbial Compounds - Toxins produced by bacteria and yeast in the gut that can be absorbed into the body

  • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP’s) - A category of toxins that are primarily detoxed by the liver, this category includes the following:

  1. Drugs and Alcohol

  2. Pesticides and Herbicides

  3. Food Additives 

  • Fire retardants (Dioxins, furans, PBDEs) - found in high concentrations in conventional mattresses, pillows, other furniture, and carpets

    • These can cause varying neurological symptoms as well as overwhelm the liver in its detoxification processes causing skin conditions, headaches, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. 

Toxin exposures are unavoidable in our modern-day society. Understanding the difference between toxin load vs. total load is vital to making informed decisions and adapting healthful habits over time.

Toxin Load vs. Total Load

Toxin Load

Toxin load is the culmination of toxins that we ingest and expose ourselves to. These exposures are cumulative; each exposure adds to our load.

Many toxins are stored in our fat cells and can remain there for years. Individual toxins can accumulate and exacerbate the negative effects of other toxins drastically. 

Total Load 

Total load refers to the cumulation of genetic disposition; mental, emotional, and physical health; habits, and stressors. In addition to these things, total load includes your toxin load in its entirety based on past and current exposures. 

While each category of total load is important, our emotional and physical well-being directly impacts the quality of our detoxification processes. Individuals with higher levels of self-regulation are observed to have a reduced risk of various diseases. Self-regulation is the effective use, control, and processing of emotions, both positive and negative. Additionally, effective management of stress is exhibited by those with a higher self-regulation capacity and is something people can develop over time using mindfulness practices or therapy. Environmental factors also play a role in our total load. Environmental exposures include the location of where we live and work (i.e., downtown with a lot of smog or among farms with a lot of airborne chemicals).

How Do I Know if I Need to Implement or Develop a Detoxification Protocol?

The body asks for what it needs and it is our job to interpret the signs it offers us accurately. Often we only address the symptoms of issues rather than the root causes. Getting to the root cause of acne often isn’t just a topical skincare product that is affecting our skin from the outside. The acne is the body’s warning sign and a way of signaling that something isn’t agreeing with it. In these circumstances let's say the root cause is a high toxin load. Metaphorically speaking, acne is the branch and the high toxin load is the roots. 

Symptoms of High Toxin Load:

  • Mild toxicity can cause vague symptoms that are easily overlooked or misdiagnosed

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Impaired concentration

Psychological and Neurological Symptoms:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Headaches

  • Other mental illness

  • Nervous system disruption

  • Tingling hands and feet

  • Abnormal nerve reflexes

Tips to Support Detoxification

Increase Fiber

A diet rich in fiber-soluble fiber binds with toxins in the gut and promotes their elimination from the body (excretion through stool). Therefore, limiting their absorption into the bloodstream. 

Adequate Hydration

Staying Hydrated! - The kidneys play an important role in eliminating these toxins via urine.

Movement and Lymph Massage

The lymphatic system is vital to our bodies detoxification. It is responsible for the transportation and effective destruction of many toxins, before they make it to our main blood cleaning station (the liver). Movement is key to keep our lymph moving through our system. Additionally, lymph massage is a great way to help support this incredible bodily process and keep things flowing!


The sauna helps your skin to sweat out toxins, particularly heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. It also substantially lowers your risk of cardiovascular events.


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